Friday, July 25, 2014

Knot Nude...........

"Just sit there with your hands folded and wait patiently". 

 I have been told this on more than one occasion in my life 
(by my mother).  
So, as you will see here this is exactly what I did. 

Some call it being lazy or unmindful planning.
I have another name for it.  

Knowing when the time is right.  

Fifteen years in the making this one is, and let me explain why:

I did a photo session with an adorable little gal that I had discovered  in my hairdresser's shop working the reception counter.  As per usual there were several rolls of film that I shot (yes, I did say rolls.....remember them?).   
Turned out, very few images were  particularly inspiring - 
owing to my lack of photography skills I am sure. But, I have painted many pieces with her in them since, and always enjoy bringing up the subtle colors I see in her beautiful skin.

Among my favorites was the photo that inspired this piece Knot Nude.  I could never settle however, on what kind of background I wanted to place her into.  My painting style at the time though adequately skilled, had not quite matured (or morphed) into what I was envisioning in my mind.  Always on a quest to "loosen" up my style, I never seemed to get the message from my mind's eye down to my brush when I painted.....until recently.

I decided to take a more direct approach with the background, using a palette knife I very directly globbed it on and rubbed it around very much like when I frost a cake - how fun!  Then the exciting part began - skin.  
I now love the challenges that come with this, 
(something I did not enjoy much 
way back when I first began painting).

If I may be allowed to be a bit corny here; I didn't want to paint this piece until I knew I was going to be putting my best foot forward (pun intended).  

Not until this last year have I finally started to see the lost edges and ambiguity coming forth in my work that I had always knew I could produce.  It is funny how styles emerge.  When first beginning to paint, I started out rendering very tight realism.  The longer I plug away at it, the braver I get with loosening things that I am getting there, I wonder why I was so cautious about it and didn't start doing this's very freeing and fun to not be so careful!

Countless times my reference photo must have gotten pulled from my box of pictures since I took it, never wanting to tackle this piece until I had achieved the style I somehow knew was brewing within;  I think it must be like that old advertisement:
  (if you are from the west coast you may remember)

it was the one put out by Robert Mondavi back in the 1980's or 90's whose slogan was:   

"We shall sell no wine before it's time".  

Well here is my slogan:

"I shall paint no painting until I am darn good and ready!"

During a recent dinner gathering at our home, I was giving my mandatory studio tour to the fam-damily and my dear Mother commented that she found this piece offensive (for lack of a better word she said).  She did not care for the position of the model as it suggested her nudity and Mom being the conservative type would rather have the girl in a more lady-like pose.  (She never holds anything back when critiquing my work - love that about Mom!)  But, I told her that this then, was for me proof that the piece is a made the viewer "think" about it a bit rather than just move on to the next piece! 

I had always intended to call the piece Not Nude, from the time I took the photo......and it was suggested after my mother's reaction by my wonderfully witty husband that I consider calling it

Knot Nude

 instead.....emphasizing the peculiarity of the model's pose.

Knot Nude

18" x 24"
Acrylic on cradle board

My model was actually donning a skimpy tank top and short shorts in the photo, but strategically positioned as you can see, it leaves one wondering - I hope anyway - as that was my intention.

I am sure in the future my style will evolve even further 
and years from now I will look back on this piece 
and think of it much in the same way as I do of the earlier work  that I look back on today......
"my how my style has changed"
(and hopefully be pleased with the direction it took)!


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